A collection of diverse societies populate the Caribbean Basin, and their influences have been felt around the globe, from language to religion to immigration patterns.
Throughout the centuries, Cuba and its Caribbean island neighbors have played significant roles in the development and folklore of the Americas, from the romanticized lives of pirates, to the dark histories of the slave trade from Africa, to inexplicable patterns of migration.
University of Miami researchers explore the religious influences of Vodou in Haiti and Santeria in Cuba, which is at the heart of Afro-Cuban religions. Unique burial customs found in Florida and Costa Rica raise questions about possible migratory patterns of indigenous people.
Today, the people of the Caribbean provide rich cultural perspectives, while about 25 million tourists a year visit their homelands. More than 130 Caribbean students help weave a fabric of diversity and culture at the University of Miami.
About the Video
Locals line the streets of the 10 de Octubre municipality in the Havana province, Cuba. Video credit: Jessica M. Castillo
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